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Arcadia (Library Edition Audio CDs) (L.A. Theatre Works Audio Theatre Collections)
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A L.A. Theatre Works full-cast performance featuring: Kate Burton, Mark Capri, Jennifer Dundas, Gregory Itzin, David Manis, Christopher Neame, Peter Paige, Darren Richardson, Kate Steele, Serena Scott Thomas and Douglas Weston.
Arcadia is part of L.A. Theatre Works' Relativity Series featuring science themed plays. Major funding for the Relativity Series is provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to enhance public understanding of science and technology in the modern world.
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You will find a wide selection of audiobooks on CD's and Cassettes. Mystery, romance, science fiction, and many other genres. These audiobooks are narrated by talented voice actors, and sometimes by the author. You can actually listen to part of an audiobook before you buy it. Browse this audiobook collection today and start listening to your favorite stories.